These days even a simple trip to the grocery store takes planning. Carter is still to young to walk when I have all the kids with me. If it's a quick trip he's okay walking by the cart, (although that causes Kyle to throw a fit because he wants out as well,) but on a larger trip when I have other things to concentrate on, I can't keep an eye on him as easily. A "special cart," as the boys call it, is a key component. I literally can't do my big shopping without one because my cart would be so full of kids, I would have no room left for the food. Timing is also important. Not too close to nap time, lunch time, feeding time for Cammie, or when it's too hot outside, (lately 100+ degrees in the afternoon.) I also have to consider some form of entertainment for the boys. This particular day it was lollipops. Sometimes it's games on my iPhone, or a hot wheels car. I have to get creative occasionally and make up games to play as we go down the aisles like who can spot the oatmeal first, count how many apples are in the cart, etc. Just something to keep them from driving me crazy and from fighting with each other. When I feel like it's too much to handle with three kids under four, I think about Bryan and Natalie doing it with 4 under 4 a few years ago, or Kim with her now 5 kids and then I feel better. :-)
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
Ok that is Awesome! I have yet to see that cart, but way cool! Also you have now convinced me not to have another one : )