Monday, July 12, 2010

A Day at the Beach

Yesterday we made an impromptu trip to the beach. It was supposed to be 102 degrees with something like 70 % humidity in Bakersfield, yuck! So mid-morning we decided to pack a bunch of sandwiches and Capri-suns, hop in my car (that had a full tank of gas,) and drive two hours to Pismo. It was a great decision! The weather was 64 and sunny. It was beautiful. The kids and I hadn't been to the beach since before Cameron was born and I can't believe we waited so long to go back. The boys played in the water and the sand for about an hour and a half. We ate lunch on the sand and then decided to go up the road to Morro Bay. While we were there we pushed the kids in the strollers through town. Carter wanted to look for the seals, usually abundant in the bay and on the pier, but they were all someplace else. He settled for looking at the live crabs in the tank. Then we went back down to the beach. It was a little bit colder and overcast at Morro Beach so we didn't stay as long, but it was still fun. The boys say they want to go back everyday, but they will have to settle for another trip down the road.

Cammie's first time at the beach! She loved it. She stayed awake for 7 hours. I guess she wanted to make sure she didn't miss something.

This is a little Crab that the boys and I caught. He was so cute and small, about the size of a pinkie nail. I scooped him up with a sand dollar. Kyle kept saying, "I wanna hold the frog Mommy."

These two were taken at Morro Beach. I was playing with the color settings on my camera while the boys played in the sand.

What a great day!

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