Thursday, July 29, 2010

Liar, Liar

Gregg and I try to be very honest with our kids. When they ask questions we give them the most honest answer we think they will understand. However, there are a few exceptions to our honesty. Aside from the usual Santa and Easter Bunny fibs, here are a few of the lies I've told my kids...

Gregg has a gold crown on one of his molars. Carter calls it Daddy's "pretty" tooth and asked me if he could have one too. I told him that if he brushed his teeth really good everyday his tooth might turn gold too.

The ice cream truck was driving down our street playing its music one afternoon while the boys and I were outside. Carter asked me what it was. In return I asked him "what do you think it is?" After a moment of thought he decided that it was a nice man who plays pretty music for everyone outside to hear. I left it at that. He still says "Here comes the music man," and has no idea that he sells ice cream.

One of our more elaborate lies was passed down to me from my sister Allie. When Carter was about two years old he suddenly became scared of the dark saying that their were dogs hiding under his bed and they were going to get him. When we were unable to convince him that there was nothing to be afraid of, my sister suggested that we use monster spray, or in Carter's case "Dog Spray" which is basically imaginary dog/monster repellent. We used an aerosol air freshener and sprayed it all over his room, in the closet, under the bed, and anyplace else that a dog might be hiding every night before bed. We told Carter that it would keep the scary dog away. It worked! We are to the point now that he doesn't need it anymore, but Febreze air freshener may always be known as "dog spray" in our house.

Anytime we don't want to share something we are eating or drinking with Kyle, (i.e. soda 30 minutes before the boys bed time,) and want to avoid a fit, we tell him "No honey, that's Hot" It worked well, until he recently discovered that he likes spicy food.

Finally; A few weeks after Cameron was born Carter climbed up into my lap. He said, "I know how the doctors got Cammie out of your tummy." He had obviously been thinking about it for sometime. I said "Oh? How?" "Through your belly button." He was so proud of himself for figuring it out. I said, "Carter you are such a smart boy!" He's too young for an anatomy lesson anyway.
I'm sure there have been others; white lies, half truthes, and lies of omition, but these are the BIG ones from what I can remember. We try to be honest with our kids but like everyone else it's not always that way. And if anyone tells you that they are completley truthful with thier kids, well I'd bet that's a lie right there. ;-)

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