Sunday, January 19, 2014

March 2013

The month of March was filled with warm weather and smiling faces.

We made a few wishes,

did a little dirt biking,

and got a little silly.

Mom resorted to bribery to get stuff done.

Kyle had his first real dentist appointment, and this strange kid loved every minute of it!! He thought all of the machinery was cool. He did great and couldn't wait to go back!

His kindergarten physical was a different story. He hated it! He cried, and whined, and couldn't wait to leave. You can't win 'em all I guess. :)

Easter was super fun this year. The kids were old enough to color their own eggs and the weather was warm enough to do it outside.

Cammie was amazed with the whole process.

The Easter Bunny paid us a visit.

Chris and Penny and the girls were here to help us celebrate. It was a good time, even though I don't have any photographic evidence to prove it. :)

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