Sunday, January 19, 2014

March 2013

The month of March was filled with warm weather and smiling faces.

We made a few wishes,

did a little dirt biking,

and got a little silly.

Mom resorted to bribery to get stuff done.

Kyle had his first real dentist appointment, and this strange kid loved every minute of it!! He thought all of the machinery was cool. He did great and couldn't wait to go back!

His kindergarten physical was a different story. He hated it! He cried, and whined, and couldn't wait to leave. You can't win 'em all I guess. :)

Easter was super fun this year. The kids were old enough to color their own eggs and the weather was warm enough to do it outside.

Cammie was amazed with the whole process.

The Easter Bunny paid us a visit.

Chris and Penny and the girls were here to help us celebrate. It was a good time, even though I don't have any photographic evidence to prove it. :)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Year in Review: January and February


January was a mostly uneventful month.
In January we spent some time together...

...and we celebrated Gregg's Birthday.

There was a little more going on in the second month of the year.
We had a fun Valentines Day.

The special ingredient in breakfast was Love.

Gregg and I each woke up to a love note from our sweet Carter! He said he got up in the middle of the night to put it out so we'd be surprised, and we were!

Such a sweetheart!

Also, Cameron turned 3!

We had a little birthday party with her friends in the cul-de-sac.

For months she'd had this blue hand-me-down dress hanging in her closet. She insisted that she wear it to her party because it's her "perfect party dress!" Such a silly little princess.

On her actual birthday she spent the day playing house.

I also took her to get her nails done for the first (and so far the only) time.

They grow up SO fast!

And that's a wrap for January and February.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Finishing What I Started

It's no secret that I've slacked off on the family blog. It's been quite a while since I posted anything, (51 weeks in fact, yikes!)

My New Years a Resolution for 2014 is:
Catch up and keep up on The Blaufuss Company blog!
So, get ready for a whirl-wind catch up session!

Let's start by finishing out 2012...

November 2012

In November Cammie (2 1/2) got her first hair cut. (She's had two more since then, but this was her first so I had to document it.)
I had trimmed tiny bits of the back of her hair before this, but she needed a good cut, so one night before her bath I whipped out the scissors and cut about 3 1/2 inches off! She looked so cute when it was all done.

Thanksgiving 2012

We had Thanksgiving with Chris and Penny and the girls at their house in Clovis. The food was great and the company was better!

December 2012

My Mom (Grandma Lou) came for a visit in early December. We always LOVE when Grandma is here. It was also nice to have her around to help us decorate and get ready for Christmas.

Here are some photos of the kiddos at the Christmas tree lot.

More Christmas highlights.

One of our favorite things to do as a family is drive around and look at
Christmas lights. One night we even saw Santa!!!!

A Christmas Eve tradition, new Jammie's from Grandma Lou.

Christmas Day

This was one of my all time favorite Christmases. I love watching the kids get so excited about everything and seeing the magic in their eyes. We spent the whole day laying around and snuggling. It was perfect!

We spent New Years Eve with friends and neighbors.
It was nice way to end a great year!