Monday, January 14, 2013

Dirt Bike!

I once read someplace that the definition of the word boy was, Noun: Noise with Dirt on it. I'd say that's pretty accurate, but add a dirt bike to the equation, and it's never been more true!
When Gregg started his new welding job, he told the boys that as soon as he was able, he would buy them their very own dirt bike! He's a man of his word. Carter and Kyle (and Cammie too I guess) now have there very own 50. They are in boy heaven. They are both doing so well with it. 
Carter started riding a bike right before he turned 5 years old, and he taught his brother how to ride right after Kyle turned 4. So they naturally picked up the balance and control aspect. All that was left to learn to start riding was the throttle.
Carter started out very cautiously and would slowly pick up more speed with each pass.
 Kyle is another story. He would hold the throttle wide open and go as fast as he could the minute he took off.
They both did so well that after only a month of riding, we took them to the dirt bike track in Tulare. Mom was way more nervous than the boys. They did awesome!
Carter can shift into 2nd gear all by himself. We don't let Kyle shift gears yet simply because he likes speed way too much, and that makes us a little too nervous still.
 Cammie LOVES the dirt bike. Really she loves all motorcycles, and like Kyle, she loves to go fast. She's obviously too small to ride on her own, so every few laps Daddy would take her for a little ride. When she wasn't on the bike, she was perfectly happy to sit on the dirt and soak up some sun with Mommy.
By the end of they day both boys were doing little table top jumps. I guess I shouldn't say "little." When your only 3 1/2' tall even 2" off the ground on a motorized vehicle is a lot. And frankly you couldn't even get me to do that much.
Here is a video I took of Carter doing his "jump."
Here was Kyles very first "jump" that I managed to record!
Neither one has shown any fear, and they take instruction so well. They are both naturals and we are so proud of them!

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