Thursday, July 5, 2012

Celebrating Independence Day

This year the 4th of July was just as fun as it always is.  The kids had very much been looking forward to it. Kyle kept talking about how he couldn't wait to see the "fireworks display" this year. They were counting down the days for a week.
Our celebration started the day before by making chocolate covered marshmallow pops for the annual 4th of July BBQ held in the cul-de-sack across the street. (Much like our annual Memorial Day BBQ.)

Kyle was my big helper for that project.

Cammie just wanted to watch.

Carter has come to expect and look forward to a special breakfast on every holiday, so for Independence Day I made the kids "American Flag Toast".

 We spent the majority of the day relaxing and play in the pool with kids. Gregg and I had a little bee bee gun target practice in the back yard for a while. (It seemed like a fitting activity for the holiday.)
Later we barbecued down the street with our friends and neighbors. 

Paige, Maddy, and Cammie, all dressed up.
Cam didn't want her picture taken, but I wanted to get her in one with Paige because they looked so cute in their matching dresses.

Eddie and the boys slaving away over their grills.
The food was good!

Lety and Nicole

Beaker-man wearing a festive Kool-Aid mustache.

Cammie enjoying a hot dog, but still not enthusiastic about pictures.

Just a few of the neighborhood kids running around with each other. They all play so well together. I actually hardly saw my boys all evening because they were so busy with their friends.

There's a smile from my pretty girl! Finally!

We had tones of fireworks. They lit up the ground and the sky for almost an hour. The kids had a blast! They especially loved the sparklers. 

Nothing says, "I had a good time" better than disgustingly dirty feet!

Yep, I'd say Cammie had fun!

The only picture I got of my little ducklings all together was at 11:00 PM just before I threw them in the bath tub.

It was so nice to be able to celebrate our Nations Independence with good friends and neighbors. 

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