Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Carter's Preschool Graduation

Carter is done with preschool! If you ask him if he's in school he will bluntly tell you "No! I graduated!"

It was a very proud moment for him and a very bitter-sweet moment for Mom! But doesn't he look handsome in his cap and gown!

The ceremony was nice and typical. A slide show of the kids followed by the procession of 4 year old's being coaxed on where to go to get their diploma and then to hold still so that Mom and Dad can snap a few photos of the occasion.

Here is Kyle being very good waiting for the program to start.

We had to wait 45 minutes after we dropped Carter off at his room before the whole thing got started. Cammie wasn't about to sit still so I followed behind her as she walked around the chapel, (Carter went to a Christian preschool) pausing only when she would come to a new group of people so that they could tell her how pretty she looked in her dress. Once she received the compliment she was after she would walk away very obviously pleased with the attention. I swear she is such a Diva!

The afore mentioned moment for pictures.

He looks so Little!

He insisted on wearing his cap crooked.

The Graduating Class

Our Princess!

This picture is a little out of order, but isn't she cute!

Look at that Handsome little Man.

(Remind you of anyone?)

Grandma and Grandpa made it to town just in time! Carter was thrilled to have them there.

Such a sweet little guy! Lets hope that Kindergarten is just as fun for him!

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