Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Basket Case

Cameron loves baskets. Well, that is to say, she loves to sit in them. She seems the most content (and always quite proud of herself) when she is sitting in a basket, or bucket, or hamper, etc. The boys used to climb into their toy basket when they were little, but it was for the purpose of being closer to their toys. Cammie on the other hand climbs in just to sit. Sometimes she plays with the toys and sometimes she throws them all out. She cracks us up as usual. Here are some of the pictures I've taken of her in various baskets around the house.

In her toy basket in the living room. She's in this one the most.

In her brothers room.

Her hamper.

Messing up the laundry is always a favorite!

Not really a basket, but she plays in her playpen a lot.

There have been others, and I'm sure there will be more.

She's our favorite little basket case!

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