Our very good friend Matt (or Uncle Matt as he's commonly referred to by the boys) is a Firefighter here in Bakersfield. On Sunday we decided to go over to his station for a visit. We've taken the boys before, but that was almost 2 years ago.
On the way over the kids all fell asleep in the car so they were a little reserved when we got there, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. ;-)
Kyle loves anything "fireman" related and tells me all the time that he wants to drive the firetruck like Uncle Matt when he grows up, so we knew he'd get a kick out of seeing all the real equipment.
Matt was awesome! He showed us the whole station, let the boys climb up into the truck, and even took us all for a ride. Then he got the big hose out and let the kids hold it (with Daddy's help) while he turned on the water. The boys even got to climb into the driver seat and blow the air horn before we left.
Very cool!

Carter and Kyle in the truck going for a ride around the block.

Kyle kept falling out of the seat when Matt would turn or hit the breaks.
This was right after he woke up, he was a little groggy, but loved every minute of it.

Here is Uncle Matt showing the boys how to work the hose.

Kyle decided to take control and hose down the whole parking lot.

Carter was much more interested in how it worked.

Cammie's turn.

She got so dirty crawling around that we literally had to hose her off with the fire hose.
Pulling the air horn!

Kyle did the air horn and then decided he wanted to do the regular one too.

The boys each sat on the front of one of the trucks, Carter on the Engine and Kyle on the Rig (the smaller truck.)

So much fun for the boys! A big thank you to Uncle Matt for showing us around.