Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Stubborn, Sleepy, Little Guy

Kyle is by far my most stubborn child. In fact he may be the most stubborn child I know. He rarely takes naps anymore, (because if I let him nap for even 30 minutes I don't get him to sleep until close to 11 PM most of the time.) This week all of the kids have been sick with a particularly nasty cold. Kyle is just getting over the worst of it and was so tired yesterday afternoon, but refused a real nap and was fighting falling asleep. On the way home from Carter's school Kyle started crying and throwing a fit saying, "My eyes are broken Mommy! They won't stay open!" After we got home I tried to get him to lay down on my bed and watch some cartoons, but he knew if he did that he would fall asleep. I couldn't even get him to sit on my bed, or sit at all for that matter. He just wanted to stand. So I turned on cartoons and put his little chair next to him in case he changed his mind. A little bit later I went in to check on him and found him like this. He stayed like that for almost an hour and a half. Poor little guy.

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