Monday, February 28, 2011

Cameron Turns One!

I can't believe it! Last week my baby turned One!
Our sweet little princess is growing up so fast.

Here she is on her Birthday!

Cameron Renee was born one year ago weighing 5lbs 9oz. Now she is 4 times that at 21 lbs. She is still our sweet baby girl even though she is becoming more of a toddler and less like a baby every day. She is standing up next to anything she can hold on to, (including furniture, Mommy's legs, her big brothers, etc.) She moves along the couches quickly and can walk behind the baby stroller that Grandma B got her for her birthday. We know that any day she will be walking on her own. She has two bottom teeth and is cutting two top teeth this week.
She can be a bit of a picky eater, but generally she does well, (her chubbiness is evidence.) Her favorite things to eat are Honey Nut Cheerios and baby raviolli. In fact sometimes I have to put Cheerios's on her spoonful of baby food to get her to open her mouth. She likes to do things on her own, like feed herself and put her pacifier in her mouth by herself. She even tries to put her clothes and shoes on by herself, but as you can imagine that ends up mostly being her banging her shoe on her foot or ankle smiling at me like she's actually getting it right. She thinks she is so funny and so tricky. When she thinks she's done something clever or cute she will clap for herself and wait for you to join in.
She loves her brothers, especially Carter. Whenever I put her in the car she has to turn to see if Carter is in his seat too. She calls his name if she can't find him, and loves to wrestle with him and play "chase me" with him. She thinks Kyle is hilarious! He can always make her laugh big belly laughs even if she's upset. His tricks usually involve a fake fall of something else that appears to hurt him and she just loves it.
She speaks a little bit. She can say Mama, Dada, Carter - "Crtr", Kyle - "Ka", More - "mo mo", Bye Bye, and Ni-night. She can sign More, and waves for good bye, hello, and good night. She doesn't like to speak on Que and if I ask her to say Mama she will often look me right in the eye and clearly speak "DADA". She's such a turd! Lol!
My sweet little girl loves to make messes! She will sit in front of a basket of toys or diapers and pull them out one by one, throwing them over her head behind her until there is nothing left, and then move on to something else. She pulls socks out of drawers, shoes out of bins, Kleenex out of boxes, everything out of the diaper bag, and anything else she can mess up. Her favorite thing to destroy is nice neat folded piles of laundry! She lights up when she sees them. I learned very quickly that folding laundry on the floor is NOT and option if Cammie is awake. Sometimes I let her have a pile of dish towels just because she is so funny and cute when she is being destructive. I thought girls were suppose to be neat and tidy. Boy was I wrong!
I could go on and on about her...

She Mommy's sweet little princess,
the light of Daddy's life,
her brothers favorite playmate,
and she just crawled up into my lap so I thinks I'll go snuggle her for a few minutes.
Happy Birthday Bam Bam! We love you to bits!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Stubborn, Sleepy, Little Guy

Kyle is by far my most stubborn child. In fact he may be the most stubborn child I know. He rarely takes naps anymore, (because if I let him nap for even 30 minutes I don't get him to sleep until close to 11 PM most of the time.) This week all of the kids have been sick with a particularly nasty cold. Kyle is just getting over the worst of it and was so tired yesterday afternoon, but refused a real nap and was fighting falling asleep. On the way home from Carter's school Kyle started crying and throwing a fit saying, "My eyes are broken Mommy! They won't stay open!" After we got home I tried to get him to lay down on my bed and watch some cartoons, but he knew if he did that he would fall asleep. I couldn't even get him to sit on my bed, or sit at all for that matter. He just wanted to stand. So I turned on cartoons and put his little chair next to him in case he changed his mind. A little bit later I went in to check on him and found him like this. He stayed like that for almost an hour and a half. Poor little guy.