Last Friday was a beautiful sunny day and we were all out front playing. Some of the "bigger kids" in the neighborhood were riding their bikes up and down our street. Carter noticed that their bikes were like his but without training wheels. Gregg told Carter that we could take his off and teach him to ride like the big kids if he wanted. Carter is not a daring child and opted not to do it. No big surprise there. The next morning we were surprised, however, when Carter brought it up on his own. Apparently in the night he decided he'd like to try it. Unfortunately our beautiful sunny day was now a freezing foggy morning. We bundled up and walked down to the park. Gregg thought that the grass and dirt of the baseball field would be a better training ground that the asphalt in front of our house. I concurred.
One last shot with the training wheels.
A few practice runs with Daddy holding on to him.
Then...he did it (briefly)!
Kyle wanted to try.
He could have probably done it if only he could reach the pedals better.
After a few more runs we went home. Carter didn't want to fall anymore, Kyle was mad that he only has a tricycle, and Cammie had been cold and screaming for 20 minutes. At least Carter was able to do it a few times. Now we can practice more on nice days and hopefully he'll be a pro this summer!
Awesome Job Carter!