Friday, December 10, 2010

Putting Up the Tree!

Last week we went out to get our Christmas Tree! Carter has been asking for one since July! I had put our stockings and some other decorations up Thanksgiving weekend, but Carter insisted that it wasn't Christmas yet because we didn't have a tree. Well Carter when you're right, you're right! It's just so much more festive now. ;-) Some people prefer a "fake" tree and that is just fine. In our house however, we have to have a "fresh" tree. We have to have the smell, the thrill of finding "The One", and all of the little imperfections a real tree comes with giving it its own sort of personality. This year we drove to a few places where we'd bought trees in the past, and while the prices had gone up the tree quality had not so we moved on. We went to a new lot near our house and it was filled with beautiful trees! We thought we'd found a winner right away, but that would have been too easy. We had to go poking around the trees that had just been unbound. Gregg and I took turns pulling them up and twirling them for each other (because they were so fresh they didn't have stands on them yet) and it didn't take long to find the perfect one. The boys were so excited. Kyle walked form tree to tree saying, "I yike this one...and this one... no this is the one...let's get this one too...etc." I don't think there was a single tree on the lot that he didn't love.

So excited!

Cammie didn't really care about what was going on,
but she is always happy to be pushed around in the stroller.

Of course the day we decided to take this little adventure
the pick-up truck was out of commission.
It took all three of them to get this beast up on top of my Suburban.

Ah, the final product!
( I really need a tree skirt! Lol)

Proud of their handy work.
It's torture for them to not be able to touch it all the time!

This is how we've taken to keeping Cammie away from at sometimes.
We had an incident with her and a broken glass ball yesterday.
Next year I'm converting to plastic ornaments!
Hope every one is enjoying the Christmas season so far! Merry Christmas!

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