Thursday, October 7, 2010

Park Play & Other Forms of Entertainment

As the kids get bigger they need more and more stimulation. Carter is in preschool three times a week and that helps a bit, but he doesn't nap anymore so the other half of the day, and the rest of the week is still up to me. Kyle does nap, but well he just needs to be busy all the time. Until very recently it has been way too hot to do almost anything outdoors. The other day it was so nice outside that after we picked Carter up from school we made an impromptu stop at the park. The boys played and did tricks (like going down the BIG slide) for almost an hour and a half while Cameron and I watched and cheered them on. They would have stayed longer but since the trip was unplanned I hadn't packed any drinks or extra bottles for Cammie. While the weather is nice we will definitely be doing that more often, though hopefully with a little better planning on Mommy's part.

Kyle coming down the big slide.
Here is Carter being brave. He is very afraid of heights and this was a very tall tower that you had to clime a ladder, not stares, to get up . Kyle did it first so Carter decided he could go ahead and try. It was also the only way to get to the big slide so that was a little motivation. He was so proud of himself! Very cute!

Cammie was very entertained by watching the boys. I tried to get a picture of her laughing at them but every time I snapped one she was sticking out her little tongue. Still pretty cute I think.

Other forms of entertainment include the usual, playdough. coloring, workbooks, etc. But when they get board with that what do you do? Last week I pulled out the "Shark Tent". It's this adorable mini tent that Grandma B got for the boys for Carter's second birthday. I set it up in the playroom and I swear they didn't come out of that room for 3 hours! It was wonderful! Once they got tired of just being in it, they made little beds in it and took turns tucking each other in. Then they took a bunch of books in it to read. Then they traded the books in for trains, then I don't even know, but they were quiet! I guess everything is more fun in a tent. We kept it up for about 5 days, then it started to loose it's magical appeal so I put it away to save for another time.

They look naked, but they're not, they just don't let me put anything on them except underwear (or in Kyles case a diaper.) It saves laundry, so I don't fight it. ;-)

Cameron is the best baby EVER, but even she gets board sometimes. On this particular morning Carter was at school and I was busy trying to get somethings done before we had to load up to go get him. Cammie was tired of playing on the floor alone and Kyle was busy getting into something somewhere. Suddenly Cammie's squawking turned into laughing. When I investigated the cause of the change I found this...

...Kyle standing with his head in the seat of Camerons bouncer looking at her through a leg hole, and making funny noises. I said, "Whatcha doin' Kyle?" "I just making CamCam happy. Look she's laughing at me!" he said. He was so sweet!

Until they are all in school full time (something I am looking forward to and dreading all at once) we will be doing lots of entertaining so I'm sure there will be more pictures and blog posts about it to come.

1 comment:

  1. Too cute, too funny! These are the greatest kids in the universe!
