Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Big Helpers

Carter and Kyle have been such big helpers. They bring me things that I need if I can't get up, like a diaper or burp cloth. They also throw things away for me so I don't have to get up. Kyle is especially good at that. I think that my favorite thing they do to help me is putting her pacifier back in her mouth if she spits it out and starts crying. Kyle gets it upside down quite often, but Cammie doesn't seem to mind. Neither one of them complain if I have to spend time feeding, changing or rocking their new baby sister instead of doing something for them. They love to hold and kiss and talk to her. Not everything they do is helpful but they are wonderful big brothers and I know that even though she's too young to appreciate what they do for her Cameron loves them very much. I do too!
After I put Cameron in her bed and started picking up her room I saw that Kyle "helped" me by giving her a pillow and blanket. He doesn't understand that she's too young for a pillow and actually gets very upset with me when I put her to bed without one. It's pretty cute that he wants her to be comfortable.

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