Friday, March 19, 2010

Cameron is One Month Old

Thursday Cameron turned one month old. She's such a sweet little girl. She's pleasant, even tempered, and content. She has even started smiling. It's so cute! At her doctors appointment on Wednesday she weighed in at 6 lbs even. She is a good eater and a great sleeper. We have been supplementing her with some formula to try to bring her weight up a bit. She does equally well with breast or bottle, milk or formula. Carter got to feed her a little bit last week and was absolutely elated. We love her so much and feel very blessed that she's part of our family.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bunk Beds

I Love Hand-Me-Downs! The boys got bunk beds from a friend of ours the other day and Gregg put them up last night. I was a little worried about Carter not wanting to sleep in his because he gets the top for obvious reasons, but he's afraid of heights. He doesn't even like to sit on Daddy's shoulders. But I was way of track, he Loves his new bed. In fact they both do. They both climb up and down with ease and have already started making up little games to play with each other in their respective beds.

This is Kyles first big boy bed. Last night we tucked him in and kissed him goodnight and he seemed like such a big boy in his big new bed. Unfortunately the freedom of being able to get out of bed on his own proved to be too much for him and he ended up sleeping in his crib, (which we didn't take down just in case that happened.) He was so mad. We'll try again tonight. He really wants to sleep in his new bed so I'm sure it won't take too long for him to figure out that if he doesn't get up I won't put him in his crib.

St. Patrick's Day

Yesterday was St.Patrick's Day and we don't do much to celebrate it, but since green is my favorite color I can't resist doing a little. Of course each of the kids had on green clothes and for dinner the boys ate green beans, green Mac and Cheese, and green milk. Carter even said, "Mommy this green milk is really good." The next time they won't eat something maybe I should just add a little food coloring. :-)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Comparison

It's sometimes hard to tell who babies look like when they are so small. Carter has always looked like Gregg, I don't think anyone would question that. Kyle seems to have taken after my side a little more but still a Blaufuss. Cameron is a little harder for me to figure out. The minute she was born I thought "wow she looks just like Carter." Looking back at the boys baby pictures I think she looks like both of them. Her and Carter have the same mouth, Kyle and her have similar eyes. I can't tell what she'll look like as she gets older but I definitely think they are all "Blaufuss" babies. :-)

Here are each of the kids at 2 weeks old.



What do you think?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Big Helpers

Carter and Kyle have been such big helpers. They bring me things that I need if I can't get up, like a diaper or burp cloth. They also throw things away for me so I don't have to get up. Kyle is especially good at that. I think that my favorite thing they do to help me is putting her pacifier back in her mouth if she spits it out and starts crying. Kyle gets it upside down quite often, but Cammie doesn't seem to mind. Neither one of them complain if I have to spend time feeding, changing or rocking their new baby sister instead of doing something for them. They love to hold and kiss and talk to her. Not everything they do is helpful but they are wonderful big brothers and I know that even though she's too young to appreciate what they do for her Cameron loves them very much. I do too!
After I put Cameron in her bed and started picking up her room I saw that Kyle "helped" me by giving her a pillow and blanket. He doesn't understand that she's too young for a pillow and actually gets very upset with me when I put her to bed without one. It's pretty cute that he wants her to be comfortable.

Friday, March 5, 2010

2 Weeks Old

Our little Cameron is two weeks old. I can't believe it. She has blended into our family so well that it seems like she's been here much longer. (I actually went to my calender today to make sure.) She is such a good baby. She eats about every two and a half to three hours during the day, and she sleeps for four hour blocks at night which has been great for Mom. She is very content and pleasant. At her doctor appointment on Tuesday she was back up to her birth weight of 5 lbs 9 oz. Her jaundice is almost gone and she is doing very well. Her brothers are adjusting just fine. They have enjoyed having their Grandmas around to help keep them busy, and so have I. Cameron's still so tiny but I have been having so much fun dressing her in girlie clothes and I can't resist putting little headbands and bows on her even though Gregg rolls his eyes at me. It's so much fun having a little girl.