The house where we live now has, (had) a huge 80 or 90 foot tall redwood tree in the front yard. It apparently got sick or something because it's been turning brown for a while now. The top is pretty crispy, and right by our chimney. Anyway it needed to be cut down. Well this past weekend Gregg had somebody come out and do just that. It was a little scary and very cool to watch something that size fall through the yard. The boys and I stood across the street and watched. Kyle kept yelling "Whoa!" The boys also liked the chainsaws. Gregg built a new fence and gate behind where the tree use to stand. The front of the house looks totally different now.
The Before Picture
The After Picture
(with some of the tree still on the grass)

Here is the giant pile of branches that were cut off of the trunk.

How many guys does it take to cut off a tree stump?

The final product. Our yard looks so different with just one tree gone. We will have to wait until spring and plant some flowers to complete the new look.
what a difference! It looks good and it's about time!