Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another Week Down

I had another OB appointment yesterday, and I'm happy to report that there is no change I am still at 1 cm. Chances are really good that I will make it to at least 37 weeks. I am really relieved. My uterus is measuring at 36 weeks, but according to the ultra sound I had last week the baby is measuring a little small. Her movements and heart rate are good so my doctor is confident that she's healthy, but scheduled another ultrasound for Tuesday just to be sure. The boys were each pretty small so she's probably just following suit. I am looking forward to getting another little peak at her. I have been fortunate enough to have several ultrasounds with her. This next one will be number 5. I still can't wait to see what she actually looks like.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

35 Weeks

I had my 35th week doctor appointment yesterday. Everything is looking good. I am already dilated to 1cm which makes me happy because now I'm only 3cm away from my epidural. :-) My doctor said that the baby (though already in position,) is still high enough that it looks like I should make it to at least 37 weeks. I'm hoping for even a little more time than that to finish getting everything ready. I have another appointment next week to check the progress.

We had our final ultrasound this morning and Gregg and the boys got to come along. Gregg went with me to every appointment and ultrasound when I was pregnant with the boys, but this time around it just wasn't feasible. I was really glad he got to go with me today. She is weighing almost 5 lbs. She is head down and sitting low in my stomach. We got to see her sucking on her fist. It was so cute. We told Carter that we were going to see the baby on the t.v. screen and he was excited but very confused about how we could see her without taking her out. Then of course it doesn't look like a traditional baby on t.v. and he kept making faces at her. Kyle pointed and said "baby" but it could have just been in response to what we were saying. Carter seems to understand pretty well whats going on. He only refers to her now as "my baby sister" and told me that when she's big enough and ready to come out he will put her in her bed to make her happy. Now we are just trying to get everything ready for her and hoping that she'll want to stay in there for a few more weeks. :-)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cutting Down the Tree

The house where we live now has, (had) a huge 80 or 90 foot tall redwood tree in the front yard. It apparently got sick or something because it's been turning brown for a while now. The top is pretty crispy, and right by our chimney. Anyway it needed to be cut down. Well this past weekend Gregg had somebody come out and do just that. It was a little scary and very cool to watch something that size fall through the yard. The boys and I stood across the street and watched. Kyle kept yelling "Whoa!" The boys also liked the chainsaws. Gregg built a new fence and gate behind where the tree use to stand. The front of the house looks totally different now.

The Before Picture
The After Picture
(with some of the tree still on the grass)

Here is the giant pile of branches that were cut off of the trunk.

How many guys does it take to cut off a tree stump?

The final product. Our yard looks so different with just one tree gone. We will have to wait until spring and plant some flowers to complete the new look.

Monday, January 11, 2010

First time in the snow

Recently Carter asked me, "What's snow Mommy?"
Neither one of our boys had ever been to the snow, and Gregg and I had been wanting to take them up to Shaver Lake for a while. We went about a month ago, but there was no snow on the ground yet. It's only 45 minutes away from where we live now so last week when my sister Allie was here visiting we decided to load up the dogs and the kids and take a little drive. It was a beautiful sunny day and we were able to find a place just off the side of the road where we could park and walk-in a bit to play. Thank goodness it was nice out because Gregg and I got our wires crossed and left the boys snow pants and jackets at home. Carter didn't care, he loved it! His favorite part was throwing snow balls with Daddy. Kyle on the other hand hated it. He was fine being held, but if someone even threatened to put him down on the snow he screamed bloody murder, and hung on like a cat being held over a bathtub. It didn't help that several times he was accidentally on the receiving end of one of the snowballs. He was much happier watching from the bed of Daddy's truck. I think everyone but Kyle would agree that it was a great day and hopefully we'll be able to do it again soon.

A not-so-happy Kyle with Auntie Allie

Here he is much happier on Daddy's truck bed.

Carter couldn't stop looking around long enough to look at the camera.

Now just being silly for the camera.

Our little Family!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody. We hope everyone had a fun safe new year's eve. We spent a mellow evening at home with our friends Mike and Nicole and their daughter Madison. After dinner they all came over and the kids played and played. Finally it was bed time and after they all fell asleep the adults could relax and count down to midnight. Gregg and I actually made it past midnight, (quite an accomplishment for us because we notoriously go to bed early.) It was a fun night. We are looking forward to all the changes 2010 will bring. Hope yours is wonderful.