Sunday, February 21, 2010

Introducing Cameron Renee

Our Little Angel

Cameron Renee Blaufuss was born Thursday, February 18th at 12:22PM.
5lbs 9oz. 19 inches
I started having contractions Thursday morning at about 6:30 and by 7:45 they were 5 minutes apart and Gregg and I were on our way to the hospital. Things progressed quickly and thanks to my nurse rushing somethings along I was able to get my epidural before my window closed. My doctor came in at noon to break my water and left the room to get ready to deliver the baby. She barley made it back in time to practically catch her at 12:22. (In fact my nurse had been literally holding the baby in for a couple of minutes until my doctor could get there.) She is beautiful and perfect and we are so happy to have her.

Just minutes old. So small.

Looking at the world for the first time.

Bringing home baby.
She is so small the car seat nearly swallows her up.

Her big brothers love her so much and want to hold her ALL the time.

Kyle gives her lots of kisses.
We just love her so much!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Berry Smooth Morning

Our across he street neighbor is a very cute woman named Irina. She has one son who is about 25 and no grandchildren. Well that is she had no grandchildren until she adopted the boys. The boys both love her, (and her son Mox), and she loves to spoil them with all kinds of treats. I can't tell you how many times Carter will come in from playing out front with a big box of cookies in his hands saying, "look what Rina gave me Mommy!" Yesterday the boys were out in the garage with Daddy early in the morning and Irina brought them biscotti and homemade berry smoothies. Needless to say they were thrilled. Thank you for all of your treats and Love Irina.

We just let Kyle have at the smoothie. He ended up wearing a good portion of it as a go tee and even more down the front of his shirt. Thank goodness for Oxiclean.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Waiting Game...

Well I finally feel like I am totally ready for our little girl. Okay I know you're never totally ready, there is always a little something to do even if it's just keeping up with the crazy nesting, but I am ready. At my appointment on Wednesday I was only up to 1 1/2 cm which discouraged me a little bit (because I'm DONE and ready to NOT be pregnant any more), but my doctor reminded me that I still have two weeks until my official due date and my baby is tiny still so any weight she can gain in utero would be beneficial. I guess I can't argue with that. Gregg's mom Kathy is here helping out and she's been great. We're all excited for our little girl to make her grand entrance, and until she does it will be lots of spicy food (and Tums), lots of walking, and trying to enjoy sleeping through the night without and infant crying to be fed every 2 hours. :-)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Reindeer Boots

Carter has a pair of rubber boots that he got for his birthday. They were always just his "boots" until one day near Christmas I called them his "rain boots" he thought I said "reindeer boots" and that's what they've been ever since. Kyle recently got a pair as an early birthday present from from friends of ours. The boys will not go anywhere without them. They put them on first thing in the morning with their jammies still on. I think they would try to sleep in them if we gave them the option. I have to beg them to get them off. Gregg and I like them because both boys can get them on and off without help, and if they get muddy all we have to do is hose them off. They're pretty cute too. Daddy even got a pair about a week ago to work in the yard. I should buy some in bigger sizes in case we can't find them anywhere when they grow out of these.

37 Weeks

I had a check up on Wednesday and everything looks good. The Baby is gaining weight well. According to the sonogram that was done on Tuesday she weighed 5lbs 6oz. (According to her size she's not due to be born until mid-march. I think she has other ideas though.) Right now she is in line to weigh almost exactly what the boys did when they were born. I think babies will come when they are ready, and the whole trying to predict when thing cracks me up. Kyle was born 2 weeks ahead of me due date and it completely fits with his little personality, go, go, go. Carter was perfectly content to stay in the womb until forced out. He's always been my sit back, watch, and analyze child. I guess we'll wait and see how our little girl turns out. :-)

Baby Shower

A special thanks to my dear friend Nicole for giving me an absolutely beautiful baby shower last weekend. And thank you to all of our friends and family who were at the shower and who were not for all of your support and love through this pregnancy.

Here are some pictures of some of the decorations that Nicole did for the baby shower.

These are the favors. They're "cake pops".

Butterflies were the theme. Desert was Butterfly cupcakes, so cute.